SJA Mission Statement

Our vision: St. Jude's vision is to nurture well-rounded, confident world citizens in a secure and inspirational setting that supports students in their social, emotional and academic growth.

Our mission: St. Jude's aims to teach students through planning, inquiry, instruction and assessment in order to prepare students to be conscientious world citizens.

Our values: St. Jude's values the academic endeavour of all its students, faculty and staff. We believe that the only through the academic endeavour and rigorous training of the mind can one attempt to discern ethical, moral and spiritual matters.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Happy Monday

Today we had a fun day!
We began the day with morning circle time and healthy snacks.
Next we did our daily five - read to someone. Students used basic blends and short words books to read to each other.
In Language Arts we reviewed words that end with at and then completed the journal. Students were asked to complete the following sentence: "The rat is _____________."
Next, as part of our daily five - work on words, students used magnet letters and stamps to build words.
We then had French, lunch and outdoor recess.
After recess we had story time and Math. In Math today we worked on patterns. We made patterns on popsicle sticks. During our centers time we took a look at Indian songs we could use in our project. Students participated really well and they are all excited for the International Mindedness Day!
After second recess we had our daily five - listen to reading, we then packed up and had Gym class.
Have a great evening everyone!

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