SJA Mission Statement

Our vision: St. Jude's vision is to nurture well-rounded, confident world citizens in a secure and inspirational setting that supports students in their social, emotional and academic growth.

Our mission: St. Jude's aims to teach students through planning, inquiry, instruction and assessment in order to prepare students to be conscientious world citizens.

Our values: St. Jude's values the academic endeavour of all its students, faculty and staff. We believe that the only through the academic endeavour and rigorous training of the mind can one attempt to discern ethical, moral and spiritual matters.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Fun Day

Nice to see everyone wearing pink today!
In the morning assembly we had a house game focusing on team work. Next, students came in class we had snacks and morning circle time.
In Language Arts we had our daily five - work on writing. Students wrote in their journals: "On a rainy day I like to ___________________."
Next, we worked on beginning sounds. Students cut and paste the beginning sounds in the correct box. Then students wrote in their agendas.
After lunch and indoor recess we watched a 10 min. story about bullying. Then we had our Math unit on measurements. Today our focus was identifying sequence of events and use language, such as first, next, last, before and after to describe when events occur. On Friday we will be making microwave popcorn to learn about sequence.
In our UOI we read a book about rainbow fish and then painted a rainbow fish. Today we had reading buddies, gym and French classes.
Have a great evening everyone!


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