SJA Mission Statement

Our vision: St. Jude's vision is to nurture well-rounded, confident world citizens in a secure and inspirational setting that supports students in their social, emotional and academic growth.

Our mission: St. Jude's aims to teach students through planning, inquiry, instruction and assessment in order to prepare students to be conscientious world citizens.

Our values: St. Jude's values the academic endeavour of all its students, faculty and staff. We believe that the only through the academic endeavour and rigorous training of the mind can one attempt to discern ethical, moral and spiritual matters.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

JK Daily Schedule

*Journal Writing: students are encouraged to draw a picture about a specific topic.  The main goal for this activity is to teach students to convey messages into creative writing, as the year progresses students will write sight words and short sentences phonetically.

*Literacy Center: it gives the students ample opportunity to practice the four important skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. It also lays focus on increasing comprehension, vocabulary and fluency of oral language.

*Language Arts: during this time students will use 3 A Beka workbooks as follows:

Writing with Phonics K4: is correlated with basic phonics sounds to help children learn phonics as they practice correct writing formation

Writing with Phonics K5: as vowels, consonants, consonant – vowel words are introduced students will practice writing them. As the year progresses, students will be practicing basic/short sentence writing.

ABC123: this workbook introduces number concepts and the writing of numbers 1-20, it also provide guided activities in the following areas: short and long vowel sounds, simple consonant sounds, blending of consonants and vowels and words containing one and two vowels.

*Math Makes Sense: during this time students will participate in a variety of hands on activities, these are the Math units throughout the year:
Unit 1: Data Management

Unit 2: Number Sense

Unit 3: Spatial Sense and Geometry

Unit 4: Patterning

Unit 5: Measurement

Unit 6: Numbers and Applications
*The students engage in four Units of Inquiry throughout the year. These units are designed to enable students to construct knowledge and understanding of the world around them through meaningful and purposeful engagements relating to the students’ own first hand experiences. Throughout the inquiries, students reflect on their learning, continually constructing and modifying theories and making connections between their learning within the school environment and their experiences in the wider world.

*Here is a list of the Inquiry Centers we will be doing in our classroom:
   -  Writing: develop discrimination of left and right, hand-eye coordination,  in-ha More…nd strength, finger and in-hand manipulations, finger isolation skills, pencil control skills, drawing skills and letter formation skills.
-        -  Dramatic: permits children to fit the reality of the world into their own interests and knowledge. Promotes self expression.

-        - Block/Building: promotes fine motor skills, language, math and problem solving skills.

-        -  Arts and Crafts: promotes language skills, art skills, problem solving, fine motor development and creativity.

-        -  Math/Games/puzzles: math skills such as sorting and classifying, patterning, number concepts, one-to-one correspondence, problem solving skills and risk – taking.

-        -  Science: promotes use of senses, make observations, describe, compare, sort, classify, gather data and work cooperatively with others.

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