SJA Mission Statement

Our vision: St. Jude's vision is to nurture well-rounded, confident world citizens in a secure and inspirational setting that supports students in their social, emotional and academic growth.

Our mission: St. Jude's aims to teach students through planning, inquiry, instruction and assessment in order to prepare students to be conscientious world citizens.

Our values: St. Jude's values the academic endeavour of all its students, faculty and staff. We believe that the only through the academic endeavour and rigorous training of the mind can one attempt to discern ethical, moral and spiritual matters.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

What a fun day we had!
In the morning we had house games and IB Learner Profile awards.
Next, we came to our classroom and had healthy snacks.
We then decorated gingerbread man cookies.
Students attended French class.
After lunch/recess we had story time, watched a movie and attended Gym class.
Have a great Christmas break everyone!
Thank you for all the gifts! :)

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Happy Wednesday!

Today we began the day with snacks and circle time.
Next, students completed an activity where they had to complete the following sentence: "My favorite thing to eat on Christmas is __________."
Everyone tried their best to sound it out and write their favorite food/treat.
Then we headed to the gym to watch the Christmas performance.
In the afternoon we had centers and reading groups.
We had our gym in the class today with some dance!

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Happy (and busy) Tuesday!

Today we began the day with morning circle time and healthy snacks.
In the morning we practiced for the Christmas Concert and worked a little bit on letter formation.
In the afternoon we performed on stage. Everyone did an excellent job!
Next we had centers time and story time.
Have a great evening everyone!

Monday, 15 December 2014

Happy Monday

Today our day was a little bit different!
In the morning we had circle time and healthy snacks. Then students went to the gym to watch all the classes perform for the Christmas Concert.
We also went on stage to perform our music.
In the afternoon we worked on a couple of worksheets involving patterning and graphing.
Students are asked to wear a sweater of ANY color tomorrow for the day performance and on Wednesday for the evening performance.
Tomorrow and Wednesday we are also having the bake sale. Please, put your child's money in a Ziploc bag, inside the agenda.
Have a great evening everyone and please, check your child's agenda for this week's events.

Saturday, 13 December 2014


Dear SJA Parents,
This is a friendly reminder that students at SJA must adhere to our uniform policy.  SJA has made strides to make the uniform pieces as easy to obtain and as cost effective as possible.

Upon the return to school on January 7th, teachers will begin sending home uniform violations with students who are not wearing the proper uniform.  To remind parents, your child will be given a note home on the first occasion, on the second occasion you will receive a phone call home asking for the proper uniform piece to be brought into the school, and on the third occasion the missing uniform piece will be sent home with your child along with an invoice for the purchase of the piece.

If you have any questions about the uniform pieces or would like to order additional pieces to be ready for your child to wear beginning January 7th please contact Alpa Sachania at

 Thank you for your co-operation!


Friday, 12 December 2014

Art Reach Workshop

We had a great time this morning learning some new art skills. The class was divided into 2 groups.
During the Art reach program students participated in two different art activities, both involving learning about TEXTURE!
First, group made an tree art piece. They, used foam in a tree shape, and then drew lines hard into the foam to create texture. Then, the glued their texture form tree onto a piece of cardboard to make it more sturdy, with their little square as then tree stump. Then they used a sponge to dab on green paint for the tree (onto the foam tree), and brown on the stump and printed it onto their paper. This is called PRINTMAKING! Students did that three or four times to make a little forest, and then used q-tips and red paint to create lights and ornaments on their trees. They also used another q-tip with white paint to make snowflakes on their trees and their picture. Then the picture got sprinkled with glitter!
The second art piece they made was with clay! They, started off by making the clay into a ball, and then gently banging it on the table on each side to make a cube! With their cube they laid it flat and then used a popsicle stick to cut the clay and make the shape of a house.  Then once they had the shape of their house they used their fingers to smooth out the wrinkles and rough parts. Then they used the remaining pieces they cut off of their house shape to make a little Christmas tree to put beside their house! Then, they took white paint and painted their house, and then used green paint to paint their Christmas tree. Then, our art lady sprinkled some glitter all over our beautiful clay houses and trees!
The second group received a piece of clay, they were instructed to make a ball and then make it flat like a pancake. Next, they used a popsicle stick to cut in half, making a slight curve. Then they attached both pieces together making the shape of a dove. Students then dabbed white paint and some sparkles. It looked great!
We will let these dry until next week!
The second piece was a snowman handprint. Students used sandy paint to make their handprint and then q-tips to add details to the snowman. We will be using these as part of the decoration for the Christmas Concert.
In the afternoon we had show and tell presentations, centers and we also practiced on stage for the Christmas Concert.
Have a fun weekend everyone...enjoy the snow, before it melts!

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Snowy Thursday!

I hope everyone made it home safely.
Today we had our morning routine led by Alexa and healthy snacks.
In Language Arts we worked on an activity where students had to cut and paste a 4 word sentence in the correct order. the sentence was: I can see Santa. After cutting and pasting the words, students also copied the sentence, using upper case, finger space and end mark.
Next, students worked on their Writing with Phonics workbook.
In Math we completed a Christmas pattern.
Students had so much fun playing in the snow and we also did some dancing!
Have a great evening everyone and drive safe!

Happy Wednesday

Today we began the day with morning circle time led by Vishnu and healthy snacks.
In the morning students practiced for the Christmas Concert and then we worked on our Writing with Phonics workbook, where students practiced writing blends and short words.
In Math we worked on patterns. Students cut and paste pictures to complete the patterns.
In the afternoon we rehearsed again for the Christmas concert and also had reading groups, centers and Gym class.
Have a great evening everyone!

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Fun Day

We began the day with morning circle time led by Lexi and healthy snacks.
In the morning we made a craft of Christmas Tree where students used paper strip to form the Christmas Tree shape. Then they used shredded styrofoam as the snow. They all had fun doing it! Take a look at the pictures:

Yes, these are supposed to be Christmas Tree :) it does look like birthday cakes though! :)

Next we reviewed the Gingerbread man story and wrote in the journals: "The Gingerbread man was _________." Students were encouraged to use describing words (adjectives): cool, nice, sad, happy, etc...
In the afternoon we focused in Math. We worked on a couple of Christmas related worksheets where students completed the pattern.
We had guided reading groups, centers and story time.
Students attended French and Gym classes today.
Have a great evening everyone!

Monday, 8 December 2014

Busy Day!

Today our routine was a bit different!
In the morning we had circle time led by Vaibhav and then healthy snacks.
Students then rehearsed for the Christmas Concert. Students from gr. 8-9 are helping our class.

In the afternoon we completed some fun and engaging activities. Students listened to the Gingerbread Man story and after that each made a booklet where they cut and paste the gingerbread man in the correct place. Students practiced positional language in this activity.
Next, they cut and paste Christmas pictures to form a patterns. Students also worked on the journals.
Today students attended French and Gym classes.
Have a great evening!

Friday, 5 December 2014

Happy Friday!

Today we had a great day!
In the morning we worked on the journals and phonics worksheets, where students practiced reading short words.
In Math we worked on numeracy. Students completed a couple of pages where they were instructed to count and circle the correct amount.
In the afternoon we colored ornaments and made a Christmas Tree.
We also had centers and Show and Tell presentations. Some students didn't have a show and tell, but they did an excellent lob improvising! Great way to develop problem solving skills! :)
Students today attended Gym and French classes.
Have a great weekend everyone!